DHCPatriot update 5.1.2 has been released. Patch notes for this release.
- Added firewall rules to place a limit on the number of connections that can be opened by a single client machine to the web authentication page. The limit is 20 hits in 10 seconds. It works like this: once a client opens his 20th connection in 10 seconds, he cannot open anymore. If he continues to try during the time that he cannot open more connections, this counts as well. The client machine will need to wait and not open any more connetions until 10 seconds has passed. It is unlikely that clients with a virus infection opening large amounts of web page ports will be able to get to the authentication page.
- Changed MaxRequestsPerChild to 1024 from 0 in the web server. This will allow running servers to exit after serving a certain number of pages as per manufacturer recommendation.
- Removed text wrapping from all textareas to prevent inconsistancies with visual wrap versus storage of actual data.
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